Commercial Business Listing

Airfield Espresso Logo Airfield Espresso (360) 568-6264
9900 Airport Way

Drive through for a morning "pick-me-up" or a summer refresher. Lunch items are available as well.

Andrew and Heather Waldow, Managing Partners

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Airport Muffler Logo Airport Welding (360) 568-3533
10312 Airport Way

Public and Commercial Welding.

Contact Rich, Peggy, or Lucinda.

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Airial Balloon Company Logo Balloon Depot (360) 805-1538 or (877) 881-9699 (toll-free)
9900 Airport Way
Snohomish, WA 98296

Offering flights in the Seattle area 7 days a week, morning and evening since 1978!

Jay Woodward

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Snohomish Balloon Rides Logo Snohomish Balloon Rides (425) 903-7161
9900 Airport Way
Snohomish, WA 98296

The Pacific Northwest is a scenic place for a hot air balloon ride. Spectacular views of the Cascade and Olympic Mountains.

Bob Romaneschi

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Blue Lion Insurance Brokers logo Blue Lion Insurance Brokers (800) 665-5154
10224 Airport Way, Suite C

Blue Lion Insurance is an Insurance brokerage that puts your interest first, above the insurance company we place you with. We will walk with you through the entire insurance process and after the sale, we�ll still be there for any help you need. We write auto, home, business and life insurance.

Contact Brian Roberts.

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Buzz Inn @ the Airport Buzz Inn at the Airport Restaurant (360) 568-3970
9900 Airport Way, Bldg 1, Suite A

A full service lounge and restaurant. Open 7 days a week for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Indoor and outdoor dining.

"The Best steaks in town."

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Dream Barns Incorporated logo Dream Barns Inc. (360) 217-8689 or (425) 754-7222
Lance Harvey, Principal
9830 Airport Way, Suite 2C
Snohomish, WA 98296

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Dr. Michael Brown, M.D. Dr. Michael Brown, M.D. -
(360) 568-1541 #3

To Schedule an appointment for a FAA Medical, CDL or Special Issuance Exams call the above number. Payment for services may be paid by cash or credit card only, no checks accepted, add $5.00 surcharge for credit card. All prices and fees are subject to change without prior notice. Medical exam pricing excluding credit card surcharge is as follows:

  • First Class (without ECG): $140
  • First Class w/ECG: $200
  • Second Class: $140
  • Third Class: $120
  • Interim Special Issuance: $80
  • CDL Exams: $140
  • CDL Exam done with FAA Medical Exam: Add $80 to FAA Exam Price.
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EAA Experimental Aircraft Association - Chapter 84

Meets 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm
Harvey Field - Building 15, Main Ramp

Please visit our website.

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Harvey Airfield, Inc. Harvey Field Property Management Services (360) 568-1541

Hangar and Tie-Down rentals, Commercial Building, Land and Office space rentals, RV covered and outside storage space rental.

Contact Paula Dawson or Cyndy Hendrickson.

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Lakeside Septic (425) 822-2412



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Harvey Trucking logo Lance Harvey Trucking and Excavating, Inc. (360) 568-4801
10325 Airport Way

Earthwork, Utilities, Trucking, Demolition, and Construction.

Email at

Lance Harvey, President

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Seattle Skydivers Seattle Skydivers (360) 568-7703
Bldg 28, Unit A

The oldest skydiving club in the United States. The club meets once a month at the Skydive Snohomish Parachute Center at Harvey Field. For informaiton, contact Charlie Markin or Mike Murray.

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Skydiver Snohomish Skydive Snohomish, Inc.  (360) 568-7703
9906 Airport Way

First time tandem skydiving and sport skydiving for C- and D-licensed skydivers. Open on weekends from January thru April and October, Wednesday thru Sunday from May thru September.

Visit the Skydive Snohomish web site or request information . Mayon Hight, Owner

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Sky Signs, Inc. Sky Signs (425) 868-1282

Banner Towing-Send your message in the Sky!

John Carson, Owner

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Skydiver Snohomish Snohomish Flying Service (360)568-1541
9900 Airport Way, Suite C


Stop dreaming and start flying. Professional pilot training in helicopters or airplanes, teaching Private through Professional Pilot, Multi-Engine and Flight Instructor.

Take a Scenic flight or an aerial Tour over a location of your choice or... give a special "Gift of Flight". On-line flight gift certificates available.

Approved for Veterans training, International Students M-1 Visa, the Boeing Quality Through Training Program and State Vocational Education.

Visit the Snohomish Flying Service Web Site @ or

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Superior Machine and Manufacturing (360) 568-2664
10304 Airport Way, Bldg 13, Unit A

Norman Moss, Owner

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TechMob logo TechMob Computer Repair
(360) 862-1337 or (425) 424-2294
10224 Airport Way, Bldg 23, Suite A
Fax: (360) 862-1337
Hours: Mon-Fri 10A-6P Saturday 10A-3P Closed on Sunday

Computer repair and sales.

Jon and Roman Levesque, Owners

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Trimcraft Upholstery (425) 338-2935
10204 Airport Way, BLDG 10, Unit A

Specializing in Airplanes and custom auto interiors.

Gary Cler, Owner

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PHONE: (360) 568-1541   FAX: (360) 568-6034